Kanban is the New Scrum! Failure Transformation Patterns, Similarities, and Learnings
You are in charge of a whole organization or a number of teams. Your ultimate desire is for them to become more productive, which translates into effectiveness and/or efficiency. You would ask yourself which is a golden key here, Kanban or Scrum? Is it an either/or question? Shall you start by practicing Scrum for a while and switch when matured? Is there a golden ratio of Scrum practices v.s. Kanban that makes your transformation successful? Do you find yourself in Scrumfalls? Is Kanban the magic solution? You are telling yourself: It’s time to switch to Kanban. Others have done it, so it must be the magic solution. If that’s you, most probably you are spending now time and money on a new “method” while barely moving the needle. I can assure you It can become successful, it has been done!
Kanban is the new Scrum these days. Let’s look at the failure modes of adopting Kanban deeper and together. What are the conditions needed for a Kanban method to flourish and find its roots in an organization? What can lead to a successful Kanban introduction compared to Scrum? Are there any fundamental differences between them? How can you make sure if you are moving from Scrum to Kanban, or having the thought of it, to become successful? What are the pitfalls that you want to avoid?
Join me in this session to share with you my experience as both Scrum and Kanban coach helping organizations transform. I will be sharing lessons learned and coaching techniques to help organizations and leaders realize the true potential of Kanban.